The Prior Written Notice tab contains the following components
for each Prior Written Notice document:
A/B Type
If checked, this prior written
notice will have two states, for example, Eligible or Not Eligible.
Reeval Process Movement
This contains three options:
Indicates that the document will behave
as a normal process document.
Allow Process Movement
Indicates that, upon finalizing, the
student will move to the next process.
Exit Process
Indicates that, upon finalizing, the
student will exit from special education. (Example: Notice of Termination.)
Short Description
An abbreviated description of this PWN
action that displays on the printable document.
Long Description
A detailed description of this PWN action
that displays on the printable document.
Only or “Y” Statement
The Statement that displays on the PWN
document. If this PWN is an A/B type, an N statement can be entered
and will be visible, depending on the state of the document selected
by the user.
Short Description of “Y” Statement
Allows for an abbreviated description.
For example, “The student is Eligible” for Y and “The student is Not
Eligible” for N.
Statement List
Contains the descriptions for the four
areas in the PWN. These statements provide library statement options.