Click to begin creating
the new PWN. The Document Definition creation window will open.
In Customer,
enter USA.AZ.
Using the existing document name format,
enter a unique Customer
ID for the new PWN. (Example: GENAZ 101)
In Description,
enter the name of the new document. This displays as the Title
on the printed document, as well as the name that displays in
Synergy SE.
Add a unique
View Order number for document.
should be selected from Document
Group .
Click Special
Document Type and select Prior
Written Notice.
and Subtitle to appear on Printed
Report are optional. Titles entered display on the printed
If the document will reside in AdHoc Documents,
check Ad Hoc. This will
automatically place the document in the AdHoc Documents list for
each student.
If the document will exist outside the process
(not required to be finalized and moved with all other process
documents), check Outside Process.
In the Property section of the screen, select
whether this document should Allow
for Multiple documents. For example, is it a document that
may need to exist more than once in a student’s current process?
If this is not checked, only one instance of this document can
exist at a time in the student’s Process Documents or Ad Hoc documents
Click View
to Edit Document
and select PriorWrittenNotice
Click Report
Interface and select PriorWrittenNotice
Type K12.SpecialEd.AZ.Document
in Create Namespace.
Type PriorWrittenNotice
in Create Class.
Type K12.SpecialEd.AZ.Document
in Extract Data Namespace.
Type PriorWrittenNotice
in Extract Data Container.
to create the new Prior Written Notice.
If this new PWN was set to be an Ad Hoc document, it automatically
displays in the student’s Ad Hoc Document list.
If this PWN will be included in the Process Documents, the PWN
will need to be added to the Process Docs.
To add custom statements:
Go to the Prior
Written Notice tab.
Check A/B
Type to create a document that will have a different result
based on the decision made by the user when completing it.
GENAZ 20 - Notice of Termination, provides
the user a choice when editing the document:
Based on the decision made when completing
this document, “Terminate Part Services” or “Terminate All Services”,
the document will provide different statements. If the decision is
made to Terminate All Services, upon finalizing, the student is exited
from all services.
If left unchecked, the "N"
statements below will not be editable as there is no other decision
to make.
Click Reeval
Process Movement
and select Allow Process Movement
or Exit Process if either
is appropriate, as in the example above. Otherwise a default N
Enter a Short
Enter a Long
Enter the Only
or "Y" Statement. Use to spell
check and for more space.
Enter a Short
Description of "Y" Statement.
If A/B Type was checked, enter the "N" Statement and
Short Description of "N"
Statement, also.
Click on the Statement
List bar to add a prompt statement for detailing the scope of
the decision. A line is added to the grid.
Enter a unique Code.
Enter a Description
statement. Use to spell check and for more space.
A total of four statements will print
on the document.
when complete.
Return to the Statement List grid and double-click
the line number of the first statement. The detailed view displays
on right.
The Statement Text displays, and may be edited here, if
The Available Options for this Statement contain the auto-complete
statements used on the Prior Written Notice screen under the Statements
Click on Available
Options for this Statement bar. A line is added to the grid.
Enter the View
Enter the Short
Description. This will be seen in the drop-down and used
for selecting the Long Description.
Enter the Long
Description. Use
to spell check and for
more space.
Check A/B
Type, if appropriate.
Click again and repeat
entering Short and Long Descriptions to add additional selections
to the drop-down.
Click the line number of the second statement
under the Statement List and repeat the above procedure.
Continue until all statements have been
completed in this fashion.
Click .
Example of Prior Written Notice Tab
The following is an example of the selections made on the Document
Definition screen Prior Written Notice tab and the results one would
see when that document was selected for completion for a student.
Main section
Statement List
This is the detailed view of the first statement.
Results one would see when this document is selected for completion.