Creating creates a record in Synergy SIS. Create is seldom used.
Click Form and select. Other options display depending on selection.
Click Grading Period and select.
NOTE: Do not create or print sheets for a grading period that already has sheets. Re-creating or re-printing overwrites previous sheets file and existing printed sheets become void and cannot be scanned.
Click Qtr and select posting mark.
If available
Click Exam and select posting mark.
Click Semester and select posting mark.
NOTE: Qtr, Exam and Semester must each list a different posting mark or remain blank.
NOTE: Form and Grading Period, and at least one mark in Qtr, Exam or Semester, must be selected for sheets to be created or printed.
Click on Filter Options bar to maximize window.
Click next to Staff Name to filter sheets by teacher. Find: Staff screen opens.
Enter Last Name and First Name of staff member, if known.
Click . screen displays a list of records matching criteria entered.
Just click . screen displays all records.
Click line number of appropriate record to highlight
Click again. screen closes and name displays in Staff Name on Grading Sheet Creation tab.
Click if printing options have been selected, already.